Quick Links
2. Mental Health Organisations
2.1 Mental Health Community Support Services
2.2 Resources about Specific Mental Health Problems / for Specific Groups
2.3 Crisis and Suicide Support
2.4 Peak Mental Health Organisations
4. Complaints Commissions (Health and Mental Health) and Public Advocates
4.1 Complaints Commissions (Health and Mental Health)
4.2 Offices of the Public Advocate (Selected States and Territories)
5. Supported Decision Making Information
5.1 New Victoria Mental Health Act (2014)
5.2 Supported Decision Making Mechanisms and Related Agencies
5.3 Downloadable Resources on Mental Health and Supported Decision-Making
1. Telephone Helplines
- Lifeline - 13 11 14
- MensLine Australia - 1300 78 99 78
- Kids Help Line - 1800 551 800
- Suicide Call Back Service - 1300 659 467
2. Mental Health Organisations
2.1 Mental Health Community Support Services
The Victorian Mental Illness Awareness Council (VMIAC)
VMIAC is the peak Victorian non-government organisation for individuals with lived experience of mental health or emotional issues. VMIAC offers information, mutual support and self-help, individual, group and systemic advocacy, research and evaluation, and education and training.
Mind Australia
Tel: 1300 286 463
Carer Helpline 1300 554 660
Mind is a leading provider of community mental health services to support people with a mental illness, their carers and families. Mind offers many resources including helplines, online forums, psychological counselling and therapy, group programs, workshops, and residential services.
Centre of Excellence in Peer Support (CEPS) (Mind Australia)
Tel: 1300 237 199
CEPS provides a centralised specialist clearinghouse and online resource centre for mental health peer support. CEPS aims to support a sustainable peer support sector by providing linkage, service mapping and information-sharing. It is intended for use by consumers, families, carers, peer support workers, community mental health organisations, NGOs and individuals who provide or want to provide peer support.
Tel: 1300 111 400
Wellways Australia is a not-for-profit mental health and disability support organisation with services in Queensland, New South Wales, the Australian Capital Territory, Victoria and Tasmania. Its services span mental health, disability and community care.
Mental Illness Fellowship Australia (MIFA)
Tel: 1800 985 944
MIFA offers support and information about mental illnesses with a holistic approach to people with mental illness, their carers and families.
Neami National
Neami National is a community mental health service that has been supporting people living with mental illness to improve their health, live independently and pursue a life based on their own strengths, values and goals. It offers short-term and community outreach support, service coordination, housing and homelessness support, and community programs.
SANE Australia
Tel:1800 18 7263
SANE is a major charity that aims to help all Australians affected by mental illness. It offers information about mental health and illness, getting help for mental illness and how to improve wellbeing.
Our Consumer Place
Our Consumer Place is a resource centre managed by people diagnosed with a 'mental illness' who choose to call themselves 'consumers'. Our Consumer Place provides information, training, support and advice to consumer-developed groups and projects.
Tel: 188 558 268
Grow is a community-based organisation which aims help people recover from mental illness through its program of mutual support and personal development. Grow groups are run by seasoned 'Growers' who take a voluntary leadership role within each group; groups meet weekly.
2.2 Resources about Specific Mental Health Problems / for Specific Groups
Beyond Blue
Tel: 1300 22 4636
Beyond Blue is an independent, not-for-profit organisation working to increase awareness and understanding of anxiety, depression and suicide in Australia. It offers information and support, a telephone helpline, and online forums.
Youth Beyond Blue
Tel: 1300 22 4636
Beyond Blue developed a website aimed at serving young people who feel down, are anxious or feel sad. It offers a range of information, and services as well as apps and online chat.
Black Dog Institute
The Black Dog Institute is a not-for-profit, educational, research, clinical and community-oriented facility offering specialist expertise in depression, bipolar disorder and suicide in Australia.
Australian Borderline Personality Disorder Foundation
The Australian Borderline Personality Disorder Foundation is composed of consumers, carers and clinicians who support, promote and advocate for people with borderline personality disorder.
Bipolar Australia
Bipolar Australia is an organisation created by people with bipolar disorder, their carers and family members which aims to assist people looking for support in the treatment and recovery from bipolar disorder.
Support Services for Voice Hearers (selected states only)
Hearing Voices Network SA
Hearing Voices Network SA are passionate about raising awareness about voice hearing and other unusual experiences, and reducing fear, distress, and discrimination. Hearing Voices Network SA offers information and resources, as well as online and in person groups.
Voices Vic
Voices Vic is a initiative of Uniting Prahran. Voices Vic is a state-wide award winning and research supported specialist program led by people with a lived experience, which seeks to improve the lives of people who hear voices. They offer one-on-one peer support, training, events and resources for voice-hearers and the wider community.
Hearing Voices Network WA (HVNWA)
HVNWA is a resource for people living in Western Australia who hear voices and experience other unusual perceptions, offering a place for the voice-hearing community to access relevant information, training, and hearing voices support groups.
Orygen, The National Centre of Excellence in Youth Mental Health
Orygen is a research and knowledge translation organisation focusing on mental ill-health in young people. Its work has created a new, more positive approach to the prevention and treatment of mental disorders, and has developed new models of care for young people with emerging disorders.
Resources for Carers
For resources and information for carers please visit our companion Mental Health and Supported Decision Making: Carers’ experiences website.
2.3 Crisis and Suicide Support
State crisis numbers:
NSW - 1800 011 511 - Mental Health Line
VIC - 1300 651 251 - Suicide Help Line
QLD - 1300 642255 - 1300 MHCALL - Mental Health Access Line
TAS - 1800 332 388 - Mental Health Services Helpline
SA - 13 14 65 - Mental Health Triage Service
WA - 1800 555 788 (Perth metro area) or 1800 676 822 (Peel area) - Mental Health Emergency Response Line
NT - 1800 682 288 - Northern Territory Mental Health Line
ACT - 1800 629 354 or (02) 6205 1065 - Access Mental Health
General crisis and suicide support:
Tel: 13 11 14
Lifeline connects people in Australia with care by providing services in suicide prevention, 24-hour crisis support and mental health support. The website offers online chat and information resources.
Suicide Prevention Australia
Suicide Prevention Australia provides national leadership for the suicide prevention sector in Australia. It builds and facilitates partnerships to reduce the stigma around mental illness and suicide, and to assist the healing for people with lived experience of suicide attempts and suicide.
Suicide Call Back Service
Tel: 1300 695 467
Life in Mind
Life in Mind is a national gateway connecting Australian suicide prevention services to each other and the community. Through the Life in Mind online portal, the project aims to reduce suicidal behaviours and suicide rates, as well as improve communications surrounding suicide attempts, response to suicide and its impacts.
2.4 Peak Mental Health Organisations
Mental Health Australia (MHA)
MHA is an Australian non-government organisation which represents and promotes the interests of the national mental health sector and is committed to improve mental health for Australians. It represents mental health consumers, carers, special needs groups, clinical service providers, public and private mental health service providers, researchers and state/territory community mental health peak bodies.
Embrace Mental Health
Embrace Mental Health is an organisation which aims to assist in building the capacity of Australia's multiculturally and linguistically diverse communities and to make strategic-level contributions to national, state and territory governments regarding mental health reform strategies and research and evaluation. Its website contains information and resources including mental health organisations and translated information and language services.
3. Resources about Recovery
While there are no Australian websites specifically about recovery from a mental health problem, some Australian mental health community support services offer information about recovery and recovery-oriented practice. Also listed are two UK websites and an Australian government policy statement on recovery-oriented mental health services.
Mind Australia
Mind supports recovery from mental health problems and has a number of recovery-related resources including its Recovery College, which offers courses run by people with lived experience of mental illness as well as offering professional learning and development skills, and has its own website: http://www.recoverycollege.org.au/
Mental Health Foundation UK
This UK-based organisation offers information about recovery, the recovery process, the supports to recovery, and tools to help service users and mental health services.
Rethink Mental Health UK
Also a UK-based organisation, Rethink Mental Health (UK) provides information about recovery and the kind of challenges to recovery that people with mental health problems can face.
Australian Health Ministers' Advisory Council (2012) 'National Framework for Recovery Oriented Mental Health Services document: Guide for practitioners and providers'
4. Complaints Commissions (Health and Mental Health) and Public Advocates
4.1 Complaints Commissions (Health and Mental Health)
Mental Health Complaints Commissioner (Victoria)
http://www.mhcc.vic.gov.au/ or Tel: 1800 246 054
The Mental Health Complaints Commissioner encourages service users to consider making a complaint where necessary in order to improve services and experiences. Every person has the right to be heard, including people experiencing mental health problems, carers, family members, friends, advocates, staff and any other person who has concerns about a person's experience with a public mental health service.
Mental Health Commission (New South Wales)
https://www.nswmentalhealthcommission.com.au/content/contact-us or Tel: (02) 9859 5200
Health Complaints Commissions (all other states and territories without a specific mental health commission)
ACT Health Services Commissioner: (02) 6205 2222
NT Health and Community Services Complaints Commission: 1800 806 380
QLD Health Quality and Complaints Commission: 1800 077 308
SA Health and Community Services Complaints Commissioner: (08) 8226 8666 or 1800 232 007
TAS Health Care Complaints Commission: 1800 001 170 or 1300 766 725
WA Health and Disability Services Complaints Office: 1800 813 583
4.2 Offices of the Public Advocate (Selected States and Territories)
The Office of the Public Advocate is an organisation empowered by law to promote and protect the rights and interests of people in the community who suffer from a condition or situation that makes them potentially vulnerable to abuse, exploitation or neglect, and also aims to eliminate such abuse, exploitation and neglect. The Office offers an advice service, community education, opportunities to volunteer, and information about guardianship and administration, powers of attorney and medical consent.
ACT: http://www.publicadvocate.act.gov.au/
Queensland: http://www.justice.qld.gov.au/public-advocate
South Australia: http://www.opa.sa.gov.au/
Victoria: http://www.publicadvocate.vic.gov.au/
Western Australia: http://www.publicadvocate.wa.gov.au/
5. Supported Decision Making Information
Following the introduction of its new Mental Health Act in 2014, Victoria became the first jurisdiction in Australia to make supported decision making the centrepiece of its mental health legislation. As a result, the following resources on supported decision making are from Victoria.
5.1 New Victoria Mental Health Act (2014)
Department of Health and Human Services Victoria 'Mental Health Act 2014 Handbook'
Legal Aid Victoria 'Introduction to the Mental Health Act 2014'
5.2 Supported Decision Making Mechanisms and Related Agencies
Advance statements
Nominated persons
Statement of rights
Second psychiatric opinion
Compulsory Treatment Orders
Independent Mental Health Advocacy (IMHA)
Tel: 1300 947 820
IMHA is a free, independent and confidential advocacy service for people on compulsory treatment orders under the Mental Health Act 2014 (Vic). IMHA can assist people to make decisions about their mental health assessment, treatment and recovery and to express their views and preferences to their treating team or other services. IMHA advocates are guided by what a person wants rather than what others may consider to be in their best interests and will arrange a qualified interpreter to assist, if requested.
Mental Health Tribunal
5.3 Downloadable Resources on Mental Health and Supported Decision-Making
Please find below some downloadable resources (in PDF format) on Mental Health and Supported Decision-Making that were developed as a result of the research underpinning this online resource.
For people with lived experience of mental illness, family carers and mental health practitioners:
- An introduction to the Supported Decision Making project and suite of resources
- Fact Sheet 1 - What is Supported Decision-Making?
- Fact Sheet 2 - Supported Decision-Making: Legal Mechanisms
- Fact Sheet 3 - Practices to Improve Supported Decision-Making in Mental Health Services
- Fact Sheet 4 - Resources for Supported Decision-Making
For mental health practitioners:
6. Therapy and Counselling
Relationships Australia
Tel: 1300 364 277
Relationships Australia provides relationship support services across the nation to enhance human and family relationships. It provides counselling, family and relationship courses, and professional training and development. It offers relationship advice topics, publications and crisis help and support.
Australian Counselling Association (ACA)
ACA is Australia's largest single registration body for Counsellors and Psychotherapists with over 3,500 members. ACA serves a crucial role in advocating and advancing the profession of counselling and psychotherapy. Its website provides a search option for counsellors.
Australian Psychological Society (APS)
APS is the leading organisation for psychologists in Australia and represents over 22,000 members. Its website offers a search option for psychology services.
Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (RANZCP)
With over 5,000 members, RANZCP is responsible for the training, educating and representation of psychiatrists in Australia and New Zealand. Its website offers a search option for psychiatrists.
MoodGYM Training Program
Mood GYM is an internet-based therapy program designed to enable people to learn cognitive behaviour therapy skills for preventing and coping with depression.
Headspace: The National Youth Mental Health Foundation
Headspace is the National Youth Mental Health Foundation providing early intervention mental health services to 12-25 year olds. The service is designed to make it as easy as possible for a young person and their family to get the help they need for problems affecting their wellbeing. This covers four core areas: mental health, physical health, work and study support and alcohol and other drug services.