Compliance (or adherence) means going along with a doctor’s decision about the amount and frequency with which someone should take a particular medication. The people we talked to told us doctors could make decisions regarding the type medication with their input and sometimes adjusted the dosage over time. But sometimes medical staff could make the decision without getting the person’s agreement or sometimes could insist they take a certain medication (see Community Treatment Orders). When people were in hospital they often had little or no choice about their medication and ‘compliance’ was sometimes enforced, for example by giving injections or by watching people swallow tablets. The memory of this could be upsetting (see Hospitalisation: Daily life and treatment).
This Talking Point is about people who wanted more choice or who did not ‘comply’ with medication prescriptions when outside of hospital. Some of these people were placed on a Community Treatment Order (CTO), a provision of the Victorian Mental Health Act for involuntary treatment outside hospital. Even though medication led to an improvement in the symptoms of severe mental health problems for some people, many spoke about times when they refused the medication they were offered, or stopped taking an existing prescription without discussing it with their doctor. Others talked about self-medicating – having more of one drug or reducing the amount they took.
Quick Links
Non-compliance with medication
The importance of choice
Reflections on non-compliance
Helen described coming off her medication when she was feeling ‘hyper’. After a few months she was having suicidal thoughts and found it difficult to motivate herself to get back on the medication.
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When you were well, you didn’t want to take medication.
So I’m – I guess I’m just wondering about your relationship to the medication.
Yeah. Well, when I was on – when I decided to stop the medication, obviously it was – I was in my hyper mood and I was invincible and ‘I can do anything’, you know. And I did. I did everything. And, but then once you’re off your meds, you know, you’re still good and you can be good for a good few months, but then something will rock the boat and it could be the smallest thing in other people’s eyes. But in my eyes, it will send me down to that spiral very quick and once you go down that spiral it’s hard to stop. And if you’re not on your medication you just go downhill and you think, ‘Oh, I’m never going to be happy with my life. I’m no good’.
You lose your confidence. You just lose – how can – you lose your taste for life and although I had two episodes of attempting suicide, it’s not a thing that I wanted to do. But the thought was always there. But I kept on saying, ‘No, you’ve got to live. You’ve got your children and your grandchildren’. So it was always there in the back of my mind and each day I would think that I don’t want to live anymore. ‘Please, God, just take me’. I didn’t want to do it to myself, but, you know, if I walk out down the street, let a car run me over or something, you know. I was wanting death, but not at my own hand.
And – and then when I came to the realisation, because of my granddaughter, what she said, I didn’t want her to have that lasting impression of her nana just staying on the sofa all day and watching TV. I want her to think good of me, you know. I want her to think good things about me and remember the things that I do with her and that. And so I thought to myself, ‘Right, once I get back to [city], that’s it, I’m going to the doctor’s to get back on the meds,’ and, you know…
Non-compliance with medication
People could stop medication when they were very unwell or just forget to take it. Some stopped taking medication because they felt better and thought they didn’t need it anymore or thought that taking less medication meant they were doing better.
Brian was in prison, there was social pressure not to take medication.
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When you were refusing medication… just to talk about that.
Yeah, like I mean I just didn’t think it was any good. Again that manly sort of thing keeps coming up again. You know, ‘Oh you’re a bloody wuss’, you don’t take all your medication, all that sort of stuff. Yet you go to the psych system, the people are queuing up – you know, you miss this one [laughs] gotta have that one, and all that sort of stuff.
So in the prison system, it’s kind of – it’s more manly to refuse medication. Is that right?
That’s the impression I got, yeah. Like you’re not a wuss, you’re taking medication, all that sort of stuff.
Oh okay. So that’s quite a strong social pressure to…
To deal with, yeah. Yeah.
A few stopped medication because it didn’t seem to be working for them (see Medication: Effectiveness and side effects). Feeling that medication wasn’t working did not always lead to non-compliance, however. Anna didn’t find medication worked for her but said: ‘I don’t want to be seen as non-compliant… not wanting to get better and not doing my bit’, so she has ‘blindly taken it even though it does nothing for me’. But a few people had high expectations from their medication and found it difficult to take it when they didn’t experience any change in how they felt.
Lisa didn’t feel any better when she was taking mood stabilizers. She said at the time she was taking them she wasn’t ‘educated enough’ to realise medicines aren’t ‘magic quick fixes’.
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I empathise with people who are, I guess, at the height of their mental illness and they’re being told to take all these medications and they just take it because some guy in a white coat tells you to and you just do because it’s going to help you in some way. I don’t feel like any of them in particular alleviated any symptoms. Like the mood stabilisers, I’m like, what does that even mean? Like how do you stabilise mood? And, when you’re bipolar, you know, you experience those dizzying highs and those lows but I don’t know – like they didn’t make me feel any better and I suppose that’s part of my own ignorance at that age, not being educated enough to realise that that’s not what medication does [laughs]. They’re not magic quick fixes for anything.
Most people talked about self-medicating at some point. This could mean taking more than the prescribed dose of medication at some time or not taking it at other times. Sometimes this was a matter of adjusting medication because of unforeseen circumstances like a missed pill or clashes with other medication. Some people commented that self-medication could be important in long term self-care. Chris said he always self-medicated but now that he is a volunteer helping people diagnosed with ‘mental illness‘ he is given more ‘discretion’ by his doctor about how and when to take his pills.
Self-medicating could work well for some people and give them a sense of control. For others it could lead to unwanted consequences.
Allen described taking his medications when he knows he needs them and making choices on a day-to-day basis about when he needs what.
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But – and then at other times say – I might say, ‘Okay I’ll have two lithium or I’ll have one of the other mood stabiliser, I’ll have another milligram of the antipsychotic at night’. I have a separate tablet that I take which is just one milligram. And I say, ‘This is going to knock me out’. Or more, and if I have VALIUM (diazepam) at the same time, then that’s sort of going to add to the effect. So you’ve got to sort of balance it depending on what your intake of other things. If you’ve – you know, if you’ve had too much alcohol and medication at the same time then that’s a bad idea. I mean it’s just—it’s just obvious. It’s not like I’m doing it because I’m told not to, it’s just because you’ll get a headache and that will feel bad. And so – but if I just have you know, say another milligram of the antipsychotic and then maybe another tablet of the mood stabiliser in the morning then I can actually subvert a lot of really bad situations from happening before they happen. By just getting the mood under control, making myself sleep, I mean it’s all – it’s all to do with sleep really. Like if you can sleep well and stay asleep and not wake up early in the morning and – and then, you know, eat something in the morning. Take your morning medication. Get your mood under control by maybe having one more lithium. Like, you know, these things these things work for me.
And I’ve never had any adverse effects of them. Oh no, if I take too much antipsychotic I might say you know, ‘Well that was a bit on the heavy side’. Sometimes unfortunately at night you forget your medication. ‘Well I’ll have one milligram of the antipsychotic in the morning which is less than usual and a bit more of the mood stabiliser’. So yeah I mean, seems to work.
Yeah so it’s a self – totally self-management based on insight and awareness of your moods and where you’re up to…
Lisa described taking her sedatives and anti-psychotics for their sedative effects, and said she might have been ‘more compliant’ with mood stabilisers had someone explained to her how they work.
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I guess my psychiatrist kind of helped me monitor my medications and things like that. I found that they weren’t working for me. I kind of developed a bit of taste for my sedatives and just took them too often and too much of them. I didn’t really feel like the mood stabilisers were working and (…) in terms of the antipsychotics and the sedatives – the antipsychotics had a sedative effect as well as the sedative, and so I took those a lot and then when I sort of stopped taking my medications regularly I would kind of take the antipsychotics and sedatives on a need-to basis because – even though I know that’s not how medications work but I was like craving that effect of like, ‘Yeah well I can’t deal with this shit so I’m just going to take myself…’ and also my psychiatrist has never prescribed me VALIUM (diazepam) because he doesn’t believe that it would help me. (…) So yeah – also because I didn’t know what to expect from the medication. And if someone had explained to me how mood stabilisers work maybe I would have been more compliant with them. But, I was kind of like, ‘Well, screw this, it’s not working for me. Like how is this stabilising my mood? Like I’m still crazy kind of thing’.
When people didn’t comply with medication some talked about being forced to take their medication. Others, like Allen who described himself as having great respect for doctors, were able to negotiate changes to their prescription with their doctor after they had made the change themselves (see Experience with mental health practitioners: Psychiatrists, counsellors and others).
The importance of choice
Non-compliance was described by people as being about control over one’s own body, as well as control over the decision of when and how to take medicine. This could mean wanting to avoid medication that was perceived as bad for the body: Carlo said, ‘I thought it was going to fry my brain’.
Susana admits she stopped taking her medication because she thought it would be better for her ‘health’ not to. She wanted to ‘stabilise’ herself without medication.
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I guess we’re interested in I guess when there were decisions made about you being on different medications.
Oh, yeah. Yeah.
Did you feel you had – what’s your experience? Were you involved in those decisions?
Yeah most of the time, I think I was, I was told when there was going to be a change, like by the doctor, yeah. But I didn’t really see the benefit, I’ve never really seen the benefits of going on, on being on medication because I’ve been, been trying to get myself, just trying to stabilise myself, like trying to be happy with myself without, without relying on medication too much yeah.
And why is that important to you?
Oh being healthy, you know, trying to, trying to be healthy on my own I guess. Trying to take care of yourself and others and yeah, it’s not something that the doctors can always look up, can take care, you know, look after your, yeah.
Even if people did comply, some had specific fears about actual or perceived side effects.
Luana was worried about taking her antipsychotics because of possible side effects. A relative with schizophrenia had been untreated for many years because the family thought medication was ‘no good’.
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I was in a psychiatric hospital and given medication, yeah and…
Can you remember what that medication was?
Yes it was RISPERDAL (risperidone), yeah.
And what – how did you feel with that? Do you remember being prescribed that and how you felt about that?
Yes, I felt – I did feel a bit uncomfortable taking the medication. I didn’t want to take the medication because I was worried about the side effects. Because unfortunately I’ve got someone in my family who has schizophrenia who has been untreated since the 70s and my family always said, “Oh the medication was no good and it was dangerous and it caused all sorts of issues”. So I didn’t realise that new antipsychotics are a lot better than they used to be and that you know, side effects aren’t as much of a concern as they would have been back in the 70s.
Right, and did you – were you able to talk to your prescribing doctor about your concerns about the medication?
Yes I was but the psychiatrist I saw wasn’t interested in talking about the side effects or – they just didn’t seem to admit they existed.
Not getting sufficient information from health practitioners about medication could be a problem and lead to mistrust and doubt about future treatment decisions.
Carlo said there was very little information about the medication he was prescribed. He said no-one had ever explained how the medication would help him and he thought his antidepressants made things worse.
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Yeah, I thought it would harm me, because no-one had ever explained to me why. It was just like, “Oh you’ve got to take this at all these set times”, and I would always, I would never turn up at the time, never and then you know later that day the nurse would knock on the door saying, “You have to take these”.
That’s something we’ve heard a lot of that there’s no context or information for the tablets. It’s just a mandate with no…
Yeah, “Just take these”. And even then the tablets that I – the antidepressants, the actual brand had changed in hospital and probably because of a supplier agreement, but no-one… and so I’m like, ‘Oh yeah’ – it’s just all this stuff that went on.
Well yeah, it’s interesting and I didn’t even know did my medication to start with even worsen my symptoms? And I even had – my first psychiatrist said to me that, “In hindsight, when you first presented at your GP you should have been taking antipsychotics”. But how – why would you just prescribe antipsychotics to someone if you – you know, if I put myself in the shoes of a GP, if I wasn’t presenting any signs or symptoms of that particular – so it’s quite possible even the antidepressants led to a worsening or in some way a magnification of my symptoms. Because they were being treated for something that – it wasn’t suited for its purpose.
Reflections on non-compliance
Most people who had stopped taking medication or altered the timing or dose without discussing it with their doctor later recognised that this had not been always good for them.
Nicky talked about taking antidepressants making her ‘mania’ worse because she was not taking them properly.
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And that was quite hard, that was before I went overseas, so – I think with this bipolar disorder – you do experience depression, and I took a lot of antidepressants overseas with me as well, because the doctor…
Can I ask if you were medicated during that period?
Yeah, yeah, so I was on antidepressants, which are good for depression, but not good when you’re manic, because it makes you more manic. So I took them away with me because the doctor advised me to, and, but I was either misusing them because I was unwell, or not taking the right dose every day, or just missing them every day. So I think it pushed the mania up further, with the antidepressants.
Gurvinder realised that because he wasn’t taking his medication properly, it was difficult to tell if it was working or not.
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The thing is with my history – and medication has been one major thing is non-compliance and we really can’t see… I think they can’t see the effectiveness of medication unless you’ve been on it constantly. So if I’m taking medication three days out of the week like I was doing to most of my medications, they’re not going to see the full effect of the medication. So that’s why they weren’t working that great, you know? So yeah.
Do you remember what was stopping you from wanting to take the medication or why you were non-compliant?
Because I thought I was good. I thought I was all right, you know. I thought the paranoia is there but that’s always – that’s been there for since 2000 and that was because of the marijuana and all that sort of stuff. But other side effects, I wasn’t – how do you say that? Like the other side effects I, I just ignored sort of thing and I said ‘No, you know. You’re, you’re fine. You don’t need to take this medication. They, they don’t,’ – because I hadn’t really seen the medication working with the paranoia. So if it didn’t work on the paranoia, it’s not going to work on say the voices or whatever.
So that’s why I just thought, ‘No, I don’t really want to’ – yeah. I didn’t stick with it because I didn’t see them working sort of thing. Yeah.
And you were using, you know, alcohol and other drugs…
Yeah, that’s right. Yeah.
Was that impacting on things?
Yeah I think that made it ineffective. I’d forget sometimes to take medication, my main – I was drawn to the mainly the alcohol and the drugs and I didn’t want to take the medication just because I just didn’t want to. I didn’t think it’d work or I just didn’t think that it was for me sort of thing, you know. I didn’t think – I didn’t take my illness serious enough.
Some people wanted to warn others not to stop their medication. Helen said, ‘I know each time I’ve stopped my meds that it’s the wrong thing to do, but this time I’m determined, 100, 200, 300 per cent, that it won’t happen again.’ Her advice to others is: ‘Don’t stop your meds. Whenever you’re down, see your doctor, see your psychologist, talk to a friend, talk to somebody, because you’re not alone’.
A few people were managing their mental health without any medication.
Lisa doesn’t take any medication now. She feels she is ‘out of the woods’ and has found other ways of coping.
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I am unmedicated at the moment which surprises people. It doesn’t surprise me though because I’ve always been non-complaint with medication. So I don’t-I don’t take anything at the moment. I prefer to deal with things as they come but I don’t, I don’t necessarily experience anything – I don’t know, I feel like I’m – I’m sort of out of the woods in a way. I have found better ways of coping with things and I have better coping mechanisms now. I feel like at this stage of my life I am far more aware of supports that are there and that may be needed and yet, I don’t need them in a kind of strange way.