
The information contained within this module on is based on qualitative research conducted in Australia by researchers based at the time at RMIT University, Latrobe University, the University of Melbourne and Charles Sturt University.

Project Staff

The research project which informs this website was co-led by Associate Professor Christopher Maylea (now La Trobe University, formerly RMIT University) and Professor Renata Kokanović (RMIT University) with Grace McLoughlanRosiel Elwyn (University of the Sunshine Coast), Dr Nicholas Hill (University of Melbourne; Visiting Fellow RMIT University), Dr Kate Johnston-Ataata (Visiting Fellow RMIT University), Professor Stuart Thomas (RMIT University) and Professor Russell Roberts (Charles Sturt University). All researchers assisted in the recruitment and interviewing of participants, contributed to data analysis, supervised the project team during the process of writing talking points, and reviewed talking points and participant profiles. Project Research Associate and qualitative researcher Dr Chloe Green conducted interviews and data analysis, wrote participant profiles and talking points, oversaw the preparation of all materials for web publication, and coordinated the development of the website. Esther Le Couteur provided administrative support, liaised with participants, and assisted with the coordination of the development of the website during the data analysis and writing stage.

Partner Investigators

Further thanks to our partners who assisted with recruitment. Rebecca Spies, Annissa Quaggiotto, Karina Bogue, Hannah Yeo, Helen Piper, Michelle Maher, Carly Wintin, Ana Lopez, and Rebecca Hoskin, all at Neami National, assisted with recruitment and aiding participants to review their contributions. Tim Heffernan, formerly of Coordinaire, Helen Makregiorgos at Independent Mental Health Advocacy (IMHA), and Maggie Toko, formerly of the Victorian Mental Illness Awareness Council (VMIAC) also supported recruitment.

Advisory Panel

Thank you to our Advisory Panel members for their valuable contributions to this project, including in relation to recruitment, interview guide design, data analysis, review of talking points, and general guidance and feedback as the project progressed.

Advisory Panel Members
  • Susan Borg
  • Rosiel Elwyn, Consumer Researcher, PhD Student, MProfPsych, The University of the Sunshine Coast
  • Professor Brenda Happell, The University of Newcastle (UNSW)
  • Tim Heffernan, Mental Health Commission of New South Wales (MHCNSW)
  • Dr Caroline Johnson, The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP)
  • Brendan Johnson
  • Anna Lampugnani 
  • Maggie Toko, Mental Health Complaints Commissioner
  • Susan Hayward, National Mental Health Commission (NMHC)
  • Dave Peters, Co-Chair, Equally Well Alliance
  • Associate Professor Melissa Petrakis, Monash University and Tandem
  • Richard Pilkington
  • Peter Rolfe
  • Clare Sullivan, National Mental Health Commission (NMHC)
  • Alice Tudehope


Special thanks go to all the people who generously participated in this project by sharing their personal stories to inform the development of this website. This website is produced with them and for them.

Special thanks also goes to Healthtalk Australia and Equally Well for their generous support for the development and hosting of this website. Thank you also to all Equally Well staff for their support through the duration of this project and the launch of the resource, particularly Lee Cobb and Victoria Erskine.

Thank you to Chad O’Brien, Crosswalk Media for his website design and production, and actors Ebony McGuire and Alicia Osyka for voicing interview excerpts for two participants.

Thanks to the School of Design and Social Context at RMIT University for supporting the RMIT-based researchers and this project, and the School of Law at Latrobe University for supporting the Latrobe-based researchers and this project.


This research was made possible by funding support from the National Mental Health Commission (NMHC), New South Wales Mental Health Commission (NSWMHC), and the Victorian Department of Health and Human Safety (DHHS), as part of their support and commitment to the Equally Well National Consensus Statement.