Advice for others experiencing infertility and/or fertility treatment

In these films, people at different stages of their fertility journeys share their advice and suggestions for others experiencing fertility problems or undergoing fertility treatment.

The first film focuses on advice related to preparation and planning for having a child or starting fertility treatment, while the second film includes advice on managing during fertility treatment. Key tips include:

  • Don’t wait too long – either before trying to conceive, or seeking help for gynaecological problems
  • Become your own expert – learn about infertility and fertility treatment
  • Discuss and plan! Think about your budget, your cut-off points, your back-up plans, and balancing fertility treatment with work
  • Become your own advocate
  • Have realistic expectations
  • Maintain other interests
  • Create a support network
  • Look after your mental health and your relationship if you have a partner

Advice about planning and preparing for fertility treatment

Advice about going through fertility treatment