Advice for family and friends of someone experiencing infertility and fertility treatment

How family members and friends respond to someone grappling with infertility or fertility treatment can make a big difference to their experience – positively or negatively. However, it isn’t always easy to know how best to provide support. In this film, people share some their advice on what worked for them. Key tips include:

  • Be sensitive and respectful
  • Don’t pressure the person or give unsolicited advice
  • Have an open mind and don’t judge
  • Do what you can to learn about fertility treatment
  • Check in, often – acts of care and practical help are appreciated
  • If you’re unsure of what someone needs, ask them!

To learn more, see ‘Further Information’ at the end of this page.

Further information

Supporting people experiencing infertility – Centre of Perinatal Excellence
What to say to someone experiencing infertility (2020) – article by Anna Goldfarb in the New York Times

For single or LGBTQI+ parents

Six ways to support someone through IVF (2016) – blog post by Holly Zwalf on The Cabbage Patch Fib
Facebook TTC (trying to conceive) support groups – check Queer Parents Network or Single Mothers by Choice Tryers (SMC TTC)

Talking Points

Navigating infertility and fertility treatment: Relationships with family, friends and peers