Solo parenthood by choice

Of the people we spoke to for this online resource, three identified as solo mothers by choice. Two women had had children through IUI and IVF, and one was preparing to start IVF. All three women described health-related factors or medical problems impacting on their fertility, including age, removal of the uterine (fallopian) tubes because of carrying the BRCA 1 genetic mutation, and removal of an ovary as a result of PCOS. Two women used a clinic-recruited donor and one a known donor. We also spoke to two women who underwent unsuccessful IVF with a partner, experienced their relationships ending, then had to decide if they wished to continue IVF.

In the two films below, women who were single or solo parents by choice share their reflections about their experiences.

Experiences of solo parenthood by choice (Part 1)

Experiences of solo parenthood by choice (Part 2)

Further information

Solo Mums by Choice (Australia)

Single Mothers by Choice Tryers (SMC TTC) – TTC (trying to conceive) support group, Facebook