Becoming a parent: Experiences of queer women and gender diverse people

The four queer cisgender women or non-binary people presumed female at birth we spoke to for this website had all experienced assisted reproductive treatment (ART) and had children. One person was the non-birthing parent (though had tried IUI and frozen their eggs for a possible future IVF cycle) and the other three had carried their babies. Two had tried both home insemination and ART, while two had tried ART only with clinic-recruited donors. Three had fertility problems including low ovarian reserve, endometriosis and PCOS, and one had been unable to have a third child due to her age.

Many aspects of their experiences of undergoing fertility treatment and becoming parents are covered in other films across the resource; the films below focus on experiences specifically related to being LGBTQI+. The first film includes examples of experiences of preparation and decision-making, including decisions related to parenting roles and identities, finding out information, and choosing a clinic. In the second film, there are examples of the legal issues LGBTQI+ families need to consider, and experiences of discrimination, both interpersonal and systemic.

Preparation and decision-making

Legal considerations and experiences of discrimination

Further information

OUTspoken families resource kit for rainbow families – VARTA
Making Rainbow Babies – Rainbow Families Queensland
Rainbow and same-sex families: Resources, Services and Links – Raising Children Network
Gender Diversity and Fertility – Your Fertility
Rainbow Families New South Wales
Rainbow Families Queensland
Rainbow Families Victoria