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Name: Guymun
Age at interview: 73
Gender: Female

Guymun is a Djambarrpuyngu woman from Galiwin’ku in Northeast Arnhem Land. She is 73 years old and works on a part-time basis at the health centre, looking after women in their pregnancy and postnatally. Guymun has six children, 13 grandchildren and three great grandchildren. She was widowed many years ago and lives at home with two of her children.

More about Guymun

Guymun feels she is healthy and strong. She tries to look after herself and hopes that she will remain healthy for at least the next 10 years. Guymun talks about the important responsibility she has for her grandchildren and expects they will look after her and support her into her old age. She feels she will get very good care from two of her grandchildren who are qualified health workers and will also help her with household tasks such as washing, shopping and cooking.

Guymun still works part time and believes working is very important for her wellbeing. She explains that without work she is likely to sit down and get weak. Working keeps her strong and means she can help her family with money, food and clothing. It is also important for Guymun to keep active by going out into the bush, digging for yams and eating fresh bush food.

Guymun would like to see more resources for aged care in her community because older people have many health issues. She thinks it is important to employ more Yolngu people to look after the elderly as it is a big job, particularly for older people who are not able to be looked after by their relatives.

Guymun draws a lot of strength from God and is not afraid of dying. She believes that old people have a lovely spirit and that when she passes away she will join the people she has already known in heaven.