
The information contained within this website is based on qualitative research conducted in Australia by researchers based at the time at Monash University and the University of Melbourne.

Core Research Team

The research project which informs this website was led by Professor Renata Kokanovic (now RMIT University, formerly Monash University) in collaboration with Professor Bernadette McSherry (University of Melbourne), Professor Helen Herrman (University of Melbourne) and Professor Lisa Brophy (now La Trobe University, formerly University of Melbourne). They reviewed talking points and carer profiles. Renata supervised the project team and oversaw the overall development of the website.

Dr Audrey Statham, Research Associate, coordinated the project.

Project Staff

Dr Audrey Statham conducted the majority of the interviews with carers, wrote and reviewed carer profiles, conducted the data analysis, wrote most of the talking points, coordinated and managed the development of the website, and oversaw the preparation of all materials for web publication.

Dr Fauzia Knight wrote several talking points.

Dr Nicholas Hill reviewed and checked most transcripts, wrote several carer profiles and acted in an advisory capacity throughout the website’s development.

Dr Kate Johnston-Ataata reviewed carer profiles, acted in an advisory capacity throughout the project, and shared the ‘Research Buddy’ (project team supervision) role with Renata Kokanovic.

Dr Caroline Hart and Melinda Soós reviewed and checked several transcripts and wrote several carer profiles. Melinda photographed the Australian flowers used on the website.

Dr Yanying Lu prepared materials for web publication.

Partner Investigators

Thank you to the Core Research Team’s Partner Investigators: Elizabeth Crowther from the MI Fellowship of Victoria, Dr Rosemary Callander formerly of Tandem Carers, Keren Wolstencroft from Neami National, Dr Margaret Grigg from Mind Australia, Robyn Humphries, Department of Health and Human Services Victoria, Wayne Weavall formerly of the Victorian Mental Illness Awareness Council, and Merrilee Cox, formerly of Neami National. The organisations that partner investigators represented were partnered with the Core Research Team on the Australian Research Council Linkage Project.

Advisory Panel

Thank you to the Core Research Team’s Advisory Panel members for their valuable contributions to the project, including in relation to recruitment, interview guide design, data analysis, review of talking points, and general guidance and feedback as the project progressed.

Advisory Panel Members – Australia

Indigo Daya, Ben Kong, Dr Kon Kon, Bee Mitchell-Dawson, Fiona Rippin and Julie Skilbeck, Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), Victoria

Denise Damouni, Representative, Eastern Health Carer Advisory Bank

Dave Peters, Consumer Representative, Neami National

Liz Dearn, Office of the Public Advocate

Helen Lococo, Carer Consultant, Mercy Mental Health

Emma Montgomery, Victorian Mental Health Tribunal

Keir Saltmarsh, Office of the Mental Health Complaints Commissioner

Associate Professor Ruth Vine, NorthWestern Mental Health, Melbourne Health

Dr Simon Jones, NorthWestern Mental Health, Melbourne Health

Associate Professor Catherine Mills, Monash University

Professor Alex Broom, University of New South Wales

Advisory Panel Members – International

Professor Lisa Blackman, Goldsmiths College, University of London, UK

Professor Damien Ridge, University of Westminster, UK


Special thanks go to all the people who generously participated in this project by sharing their personal stories to inform the development of this website. This website is produced with them and for them.

Special thanks also go to the Advisory Panel Members who generously gave their time to review talking points, Dr Rosemary Callander, Dr Simon Jones, Helen Lococo, Emma Montgomery, and Associate Professor Ruth Vine.

We are particularly grateful to Maureen Robinson and Healthdirect Australia for their generous in-kind support for the development and hosting of this website. Thank you to all Healthdirect Australia staff involved in designing and building the website – particularly Selcuk Savas, Miguel Llano, Sara Renwick and Andrew Bryant.

Thank you to Dr Jacqueline Tudball for assisting with drafting several talking points.

Thank you to Indigo Daya from DHHS (formerly of MI Fellowship) for her insightful comments related to language used on this website and general contributions to the project.

Thank you to Dr Kristen Moeller-Saxone for assisting with finalising carers’ biographies.

Thanks to the School of Social Sciences, Faculty of Arts, Monash University for supporting the Monash-based researchers and this project.

Funded by: Australian Research Council - Linkage Project 130100557 ‘Options for Supported Decision Making to Enhance the Recovery of People with Severe Mental Health Problems’